It matters who you vote for to represent you as State’s Attorney. Hear the story of Janet and Scott Stomps, Republican voters living in Anne Arundel County.
Watch the video below to learn more about it.
Did you know the State’s Attorney runs a budget of more than $10 million? The current State’s Attorney uses county taxpayer money like his own personal bank account.
Watch the video below to see for yourself and then check out WastefulWes.Com to learn more about how he runs the office.
Former Anne Arundel Police Chief and Baltimore Police Commissioner—Kevin Davis
As a top law enforcement officer for 26 years, Kevin Davis know a thing or two about what makes a great prosecutor. Hear from him and Republican former prosecutor Carolynn Grammas, about what Anne Colt Leitess is like as an attorney.
Watch the video below.
Wasteful Wes Adams
Kevin Davis knows what makes a top prosecutor